General dentistry
- Cleanings
- Gum Treatments
- Extractions
- Fillings
- Crowns & Bridges
- Root Canal Treatment
- Dentures & Denture Repair with our in-house lab
Cosmetic Dentistry
- Braces ( Orthodontics) including Invisalign or Clear Correct
- Braces for all ages including the very young as preventive or interceptive treatment
- Veneers
- Implants
- Whitening including laser or 1-hour in-office whitening
- Composite or white fillings
- Board Certified Oral Surgeon
- Oral surgery with conscious sedation (treatment while sleeping)
- Extraction of wisdom teeth
- Board Certified Periodontist
- Treat all types of gum diseases and problems related to the gum
- Treat gum disease with state of the art Laser (LANAP) to minimize pain
Board Certified Hygienist
- Treat and maintain optimal gum health
Schedule Your Appointment! 909-875-1299
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